Tuesday, November 23, 2010

MMMmmmmmm salad

I am not really a salad eater unless someone else makes it for me, then I LOVE it. I have good salad intentions, but just end up throwing out all my fixins once they go bad. This salad however, ROCKS, thanks to my friend Sandra.

spinach, red onion, shredded carrots,dried cranberries (I found some at Costco that are borderline paleo with no added sugar), sesame seeds, goat cheese (if you include that as paleo...some do, some don't)


2/3 cup olive oil 1/6 cup vinegar (I use a little more) 1/6 cup maple syrup, spoon of dijon


My WOD yesterday was Karen - I rxd and PRd it!!!

Then my legs woke up unable to bend.

Today's WOD: 5 min/station
Hang Squat Clean ? 65 lbs
Pushups 18 all on toes
Power Snatch 21 used 65 lbs
Weighted Situps 60 used 30 lbs
Power Clean 20 used 65 lbs
Burpee 32

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I am a slacker but not in the doing part..

Obviously I have been slacking lately in the blogging department. I know...no excuses, but my excuse is a good one. I have been so busy WODing and PALEOing that I haven't had time to blog.

So my WOD's so far this week have been:
Monday - 400m run x 6
2 min rest +/- 3 sec

Tuesday - 15 min AMRAP 7 sdhp,7 hsc,7 thruster with 65 lbs PLUS 20 min row

Wednesday - press 3x3 at 65% 3x3@95% then 50 body rows, 12 pc with 85 lbs, 200m row, 12 pc, 200 m row, 9pc,200m row

Last night I made some awesome paleo food to get me through a busy week.
Boiled Eggs
Cauliflower soup with bacon
Bison ribs (have yet to try but will let you know!!!!)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

On the road continued...


100 Thrusters with 20lbs for time
every minute on the minute do 3 burpees 24:00

BREAKFAST - banana,bacon,coffee
SNACK - cashews
LUNCH - bison sausage, peppers, 3 squares dark chocolate
SNACK - banana
DINNER - 2 chicken wings, salad with chicken,tomatoes,cucumber, salsa

Monday, October 18, 2010

On the road again.....

Travelling for work always throws me off my game. I get bored in the car, I snack to entertain myself, I eat bad because it's free I might as well eat whatever right? I pack workout clothes and usually run occasionally but it's hit or miss.

This trip I am determined to prove to myself that I can do this. I can stick with a healthy lifestyle while working.

Today was a good day. 1 down 4 to go.

bison sausage, cashews, dried fruit
banana, cashews
steak, veggies, 2 squares dark chocolate


10x30 sec intervals at a 10%incline at 100%
90 sec recovery

3min rest

push ups
sit ups

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mental Blocks

I have been going to crossfit for a year and a half. I was NOT the althletic kid. I was the chubby kid that always got picked last and was trying to keep up. I tried really hard and was always ok in sports, but did not excel by any means. Crossfit broke down that wall for me although at the same time I think I set limitations on myself...I'm ok doing pushups on my knees and not my toes, it's ok that I can't do a pullup, it's ok that I can't jump on the box - I'll just do step ups...well today I say...SCREW YOU SELF..I AM GOING TO JUMP ON THAT BOX!!! Well actually my coach told me I was going to do it, and my response was "Do you wanna see me bail?" So we set up a stack of plates for me to jump on, and I jumped on them when they were the same height as the box. So we went over to the box and I couldn't do it. The coach was very patient and explained how I was going to get on there..I tried..I stopped myself..tried again..stopped myself....back to the stack of plates, he added one more and said do it..and I did..it was higher than the box. So I went back to the box and I just did it! And again! And again! Screw you box..making me think I couldn't jump on you for the last 18months...but it wasn't the box..it was me. I am the one that thought I couldn't do it. I set that on myself. Makes me wonder what other limitations I have set. For some reason, jumping on that box today was like jumping into a new world of possibilities...the girl that couldn't catch up, or jump on the box is no more. Instead of looking at it from the bottom up thinking "I can't" I am now looking at it from the top thinking "What can I do next"?

BREAKFAST 1 egg, bacon,english muffin (i am still using up non-paleo stuff that I don't want to waste)tomato, apple
SNACK coffee,almond milk
LUNCH steak, sweet potato
SNACK apple,almonds,carrots
DINNER chicken

7 rounds:
200 m run
10 box jumps
5 thrusters (35lb dbs)

Took me about 31 minutes.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I saw this on one of the blogs I was reading and thought it was great. Then this morning I woke up and read it again before the WOD. Then I read it again when I really wanted a cookie. I see something different in it everytime. Or maybe depending on how I am feeling it jumps out at me. When I was doing the WOD today I really did feel like I was getting stronger. Other people's goals inspire me everyday. It is now my computer wallpaper...I am wondering how else reading these words will make me stronger?

BREAKFAST bacon, almonds, apple

SNACK pistachios

LUNCH chicken, sweet potato, 1 piece paleo date bar (I would put the recipe up, but it sucked quite honestly)

DINNER steak, veggies,shrimp, dark chocolate


AMRAP in 25 minutes:

400m run

10 pushups

5 K2E

I did 4 rounds plus a run and all the pushups were on my toes!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eggs On Toast

Why do eggs on toast have to taste way better than just regular eggs?? Is it more of a comfort food than anything else???? I wanted the toast so much that I just skipped the eggs all together and went straight for the...BACON!!! Oh Bacon..I have missed you my friend....

bison pepperoni,apple,pistachios
protein shake

3 rounds for reps and calories:
med ball throw and chase 16lbs
30 sec rest
30 sec rest

Completed 92 med ball throws and rowed 125 calories